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    What is Pupil Premium?

    Pupil premium funding is a national initiative, launched in 2011, designed to raise attainment for all disadvantaged pupils.

    ‘Closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers is the greatest challenge facing English schools. The gap is stubborn because its causes are entrenched and complex, and most lie beyond the control of schools and educators. However, it is clear that schools can make a difference.

    In England, the gap has closed in both primary and secondary schools since the introduction of the Pupil Premium, and in every part of the country schools have demonstrated how great teaching and careful planning can make a huge impact on the outcomes of disadvantaged children.’

    Education Endowment Foundation – The EEF Guide to Pupil Premium funding

    Pupil Premium Strategy

    Our school has been allocated additional funding through the Pupil Premium. This report outlines what the Pupil premium is and how it has been used to support pupils at Mile Oak Primary School. We hope you will find the following information useful and informative.

    2021 - 2024 Pupil Premium Strategy and Impact Statement (2020-2021)

    Pupil Premium Strategy 2020 - 2021

    Pupil Premium Tiered Approach 2020 - 2023

    Pupil Premium Tiered Approach 2020-2021

    Pupil Premium Impact Statement 2020-2021

    Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-2020

    Pupil Premium Tiered Summary 2019-2020

    Reviewed Pupil Premium Strategy 2018-2019

  • What is the Pupil Premium?

    The Pupil Premium is extra money that schools receive to meet the needs of pupils who are socially disadvantaged and at risk of underachievement. It is provided to support these pupils in reaching their potential.

  • How is the Pupil Premium Allocated to Schools?

    The amount schools receive is determined by the number of pupils who have been known to be eligible in the last 6 years or are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM). In addition, an allocation is made for pupils who are Looked After Children (LAC) and Service Children.

  • Who Decides How the Funding is Used?

    Schools decide how the funding should be used and are trusted to ensure that it is used for the purposes intended. Schools are held accountable for how they use the funding, and the performance tables capture the achievement of those pupils covered by the pupil premium.

  • How Do We Identify Pupils At Our School?

    At Mile Oak Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that the provision we make secures teaching and learning opportunities to meet the needs of all pupils and that the needs of pupils who are considered to be vulnerable or socially disadvantaged are adequately assessed and addressed, as part of the additional provision we make through the pupil premium. In making provision at Mile Oak Primary School we recognise that not all pupils who receive FSM will be socially disadvantaged and not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for FSM. At our school Pupil Premium funding is allocated for individual and groups of pupils identified as:

    • Socially disadvantaged and/or eligible for FSM/LAC/Service Children:
    • Vulnerable and at risk of underachievement.
    • Subject to a child in need plan.
    • Having been identified with complex needs.
    • How do we provide for our pupils?
    • The attainment of disadvantaged pupils can be raised through a variety of interventions.

    At Mile Oak the following focus for provision has been identified in the following three areas:

    • Pupil outcomes
    • Welfare
    • Enrichment
  • Accountability

    The Department for Education holds Headteachers and school governing bodies accountable for the impact of pupil premium funding in the following ways:

    • Performance tables, which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared
    • with their peers
    • Requiring schools to publish details online each year of how they are using the Pupil Premium and the impact it is having on pupil achievement
    • The Ofsted inspection framework, where inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, and in particular those who attract the Pupil Premium
  • How Do We Know We Are Using The Pupil Premium Effectively?

    The progress and attainment of all pupils and groups of pupils is monitored closely through the schools extensive pupil tracking systems. Pupil progress review meetings are held each term. The progress that pupils make will vary according to the individual needs of each child

    but should a concern arise the provision made for that child will be reviewed and any necessary adjustments made.

    The school provision map and interventions secured through the Pupil Premium are adjusted annually to meet the needs of the pupils across the school.

    For information about whether you are eligible for free school meals, please click here.

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