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Year 6

    Blackthorn Class


    Chestnut Class


    Sycamore Class


    Blackland Farm and Activity Week 2021

    Year Six had an amazing time this year on their residential to Blackland Farm. Not even the rain dampened their enthusiasm. They challenged themselves and excelled reaching dizzying heights on many of the activities. It was a pleasure to spend time with them and as always, the children of Mile Oak were exemplary. The staff at 4th dimension always comment on how polite, entertaining and full of energy our children are. Parents, I'm sure you have all heard and enjoyed the many campfire songs that they learnt, as we have this week in school! Thank you to all the staff involved for all your endless energy and making their trip so memorable. 

    The activity week children had lots of fun over the three days with a trip to the bowling alley and Glo Balls, then a day at Blackland Farm completing a number of challenging activities. Luckily, they were able to recover in school, on the Friday, with a relaxing day of games, film pizza and popcorn. Thank you to all the staff involved for all your hard work and to ensure everyone had a great time. 

    Our Year Six children wanted to share their Blackland Farm moments.

    Blackland Farm:

    Low Ropes: Low ropes is like an obstacle course, there are many stages and some more challenging than others. Lots of the stages involve a tight rope and you have to cross by walking on it whilst holding a rope. It was very slippery when I went as it was thundering the night before. It includes teamwork as there are only a limited amount of ropes.

    Life Line: So what you do on life line is, someone is blind folded and you and a team mate go through a challenging obstacle course. Your teammate has to guide you through using instructions only, then you switch turns. Pick the right partner who is good at communicating!!

    Abseiling: loved the abseiling activity; it was one of the best activities at Blacklands Farm! The abseiling wall was really high and looked super fun to go down, but also a little nervracking. I put my feet half over the edge of the wall and leant backwards; this bit was quite scary, but after I started to descend it was just fun. I enjoyed it a lot.

    Kayaking: Kayaking is a lot of fun! It is quite calming but so exciting! We absolutely loved it and we learnt lots of things we did not know before. It is also a bit scary because when you fall in the water, it is quite a shock at first because you are not used to how cold the water is. I really perfected my skill of kayaking. I’d love to go again.

    All Aboard: All Aboard was one of the most challenging activities because it was ever so high up in the air. Also, this activity was scary because board the on top of the pole is very small and it made it difficult for one person to stand on but the challenge was to have four people up there and then to lean out over the edge. The climbing metal part was very slippery and difficult to climb up but I managed to conquer it.

    Scrambling: In my opinion scrambling was one of the most enjoyable tasks on residential. It was a way for people to unlock their inner strength and skills. The climbing over jagged rocks and creeping through the cracks and crevices. Truth be had, some of the ancient rocks which have been around thousands of years. I think it was truly beautiful and amazing.

    The Perch: This activity was very challenging. Once you are up the very tall pole you then have to leap off into the air and grab the trapeze with both hands! I was determined to reach the trapeze and when I di everyone cheered!

    Campfire: Oh what fun we had! At dusk, we walked through the forest to a large blazing campfire in the middle of the woods and sang our hearts out. Ricky, a trip leader, wore a huge headdress and taught us lots of songs. The campfire was definitely one of my highlights and we have not stopped singing the songs since. We then all went back for hot chocolate and biscuits before bed.

    Overall, we had an amazing time and it will be a holiday I will remember for the rest of my life.

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