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2m maths

Maths Across the School

See below for overviews of the key skills and vocabulary taught in Maths across the school. 

Gem and Times Table Passport Videos

Mrs Martin Explains the Key Stage 1 Gem Passport

Mr Conboy Explains the Key Stage 2 Times Table Passport

    Working Walls

    In every classroom we use working walls to support the children’s learning through their current topic. These walls change frequently and help children to understand a concept. They regularly include images, representations, vocabulary and models that encourage mathematical thinking.

    Social Media Posts

    Each week a different year group shares their current maths learning on our social media platforms. We encourage staff to capture what and how the children have been learning that week. You will see the vocabulary, representations and methods being used in school.

    Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots

    As a school, we subscribe to these two programmes because the skills developed through them are fundamental to future maths learning. While the school is closed to children, they should continue to work through the challenges on here every day.

  • Maths Home Learning Resources

    Daily Maths Lessons Provided on 'I See Maths'

    Gareth Metcalfe has been instrumental in the reasoning abilities of children across the country. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, he will be providing a daily maths lessons to year groups. Follow him on facebook or follow the link below to find your lessons!


    Daily Maths Lessons Provided by White Rose Maths

    Follow the link and click on your year group to find your maths lesson.


Take a Look Inside Our Books


The school's Maths Leaders are Ms Martin & Mr Conboy.

If you have any questions about the school's Maths curriculum, contact your child's class teacher, Ms Martin or Mr Conboy via the school office.

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