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Ladybird Class


Dragonfly Class


Writing Information

Reception Writing Pack.mp4

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Reception Reading Talks

Please watch the following videos to learn more about how we teach reading in school and how you can support your child's development at home.


A Tour of Reception at Mile Oak

Reception Tour subtitles.mp4

Say Hello to our Reception Teachers...

Mrs Thoroughgood - Ladybird Teacher

Mrs Thoroughgood Reads A Story.mp4

Miss Turnbull - Dragonfly Teacher

Miss Turnbull Reads A Story (1).mp4

Mrs Longley - Dragonfly Teaching Assistant

Mrs Longley Reads A Story.mp4

Mrs Wilcock - Ladybird Teaching Assistant

Mrs Wilcock’s story.MOV

Jamie- Dragonfly and Ladybird P.E Teacher


Say Hello to our Leadership Team...

Mr Lording - Headteacher

Mr Lording.mp4

Mrs Gale - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Gale.mp4

Ms. Tarpey - SENDCO

Miss Tarpey.mp4

Say Hello to Other Staff You'll Meet at School...

Mr Arnold- Premises Manager

Mr Arnold.mp4

Mrs Larter- School Office

Mrs Larter.mp4

Trish- School Cook


Mrs. Wilcock shows us how to use scissors

Using Scissors.mp4

"Scissors" by Mrs. Wilcock

Cutting alone a line.mp4

Portslade Partnership New Starter Booklet

Starting school image

Click the picture above to view a guidance document produced by the Portslade Partnership to support parents in getting their children school ready.

School Ready Guide for Parents

School Icon

Click the picture to view  this handy document with tips to get your child ready for starting school.

Bedtime Routine

Bedtime 1

Information from the school nurse on bedtime routines.


A calm bedroom


A handy leaflet from the school nurse on creating a calm bedroom for your child.

Healthy Teeth


Information from the school nurse about keeping your child's teeth healthy.

Sleep and diet information


Information from the school nurse on health sleep and diet habits for your child.


Sleep and relaxation information


A handy leaflet from the school nurse on creating a calm bedroom for your child.

Day time wetting advice

Potty picture

Information from the school nurse about keeping your child's teeth healthy.

Night time wetting advice


Information from the school nurse on health sleep and diet habits for your child.


Starting Primary School Advice

BBC Bitesize

A handy leaflet from the school nurse on creating a calm bedroom for your child.

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