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Risk Assessment - 07.03.22

COVID Outbreak Summary

In the event of a significant Covid-19 outbreak within the school, we will adhere to the control measures detailed in our Outbreak Measures Summary. To access this, please click here

Government guidance on how to live with Covid-19 can be found on the link below:


Recovery Curriculum

We have been busy researching and planning how we will support all of our children back into full-time schooling following what has been an uncertain and unprecendented time. We are confident that we are well-prepared to provide excellent emotional and academic support to all of our children and are very proud of all of our school staff for their dedication to providing a fantastic provision that improves outcomes.

For further details of our recovery plan, please click here.

Remote Learning Policy

COVID Recovery Plan Document

Further details of our COVID Recovery Plan can be found in this document by clicking here

Welcome Back!

New Reception Starters

Pegs, coats and bags

Infant corridor and example classroom

Junior Corridor and example classroom

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