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Family Champion News


My name is Hiedi Larter and I am the school's Family Champion. 

At Mile Oak we understand that sometimes families and children experience difficult times which can make a happy, successful school and home life a struggle.

My role is to provide impartial support, advice and information to the families within our school community. I meet with parents both in school and in their homes and act as a link between home and the school community. Information is only shared within school on a 'need to know' basis.

Support for families includes:

  • Providing information and signposting to other services in the local area.
  • One-to-one support and guidance, and a listening ear, for families and children.
  • Support to access Early Help intervention. 
  • I have completed Community Ambassador training in relation to domestic abuse
  • Assistance in completing paperwork and forms.
  • Help to improve school attendance.
  • Attending meetings with other agencies.
  • Advice and support in promoting positive behaviour at home.
  • Themed Time to Talk sessions.

Finally, as a mum myself, I appreciate how treasured and important your children are and it is my aim to build strong relationships with you so that every child is happy, thriving and fulfilling their potential. I may not have all the answers, but hopefully we can work together to find them!

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