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Science Ambassadors Visit PACA!


On Wednesday 5th February 2020, our newly appointed science ambassadors were invited to participate in a science enrichment session at our local secondary school, PACA.

Mr. Harris, Mr. O’Kane Varney and Mrs. Gale were thrilled to have the opportunity to work with our science ambassadors alongside the science team at PACA and their enthusiastic students.

Upon arrival, we were given our task – who could design and create a winning rocket. One with pleasing aesthetics which, most importantly, would fly the furthest.

After a short introduction from the science team, PACA students joined Mile Oak pupils and they were off. Discussing their scientific understanding of aerodynamics, fuel and forces.  Each team was determined to keep their design secret.

With the designs on paper, it was time to create! One plastic bottle, a bit of cardboard and a limited amount of sticky tape was provided to all groups. Each design looked very different with all groups able to articulate why they had created their rockets in the way that they had.

With rockets in hand, each team filled their rocket with a specific amount of water and we were led outside to the field to set them off. The air was filled with anticipation!

Excitingly, all rockets flew! However, there were definitely some clear winners that afternoon with a few rockets zooming off into the distance.

Whether the teams won or not, smiles were shared all round.

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Back in the laboratory, teams discussed why they thought certain rockets flew further than others and the role of forces and aerodynamics in rocket science.

Watch out for future science fun – the ambassadors loved it so much that they are planning on leading their own rocket science session!

A huge thank you to Mr. Harris and the PACA team for sharing their passion for science with the rest of the Mile Oak community.

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