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Our Writing Wall of Fame

In order to showcase our children's writing, we have created a celebration display called the 'Writing wall of Fame'. Every two weeks, a year group is responsible for the display and chooses six children who have worked particularly hard to achieve their personal best. This fortnight the display is from the children in Year Five. 

Writing Wall of Fame

Writing Gallery

Every child at Mile Oak is a writer and we are very proud of the work that they produce. Below is a showcase of some of our children's work from Reception to Year 6 that they produced after being given the task of writing about their experiences of lockdown.


Please click on the links below for the relevant spelling for your child's year group and some strategies for teaching them.

Reception Spellings

Year 1 Spellings

Year 2  Spellings

Year 3  Spellings

Year 4 Spellings

Year 5  Spellings

Year 6 Spellings


The school's Writing Leaders are Miss Griffiths & Ms Wilks. 

If you have any questions about the school's Writing curriculum, contact your child's class teacher, Miss Griffiths or Ms Wilks via the school office. 

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