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Mile Oak Winter Art Project

Mile Oak Primary School has set up an art project for everyone in the community to take part in and is inviting all groups and members of the community (including the school staff) to produce a piece of art depicting what Winter means to them. This could include a family/colleague collaboration or individual pieces. Your choice of media is up to you: paints, chalks, collage, pencil, clay, photography - even poetry – THINK BIG!

Winter is full of festivals and evocative emotions and feelings which can be a great basis for expression.

You can take a photograph of your work and email it to office@mileoak.brighton-hove.sch.uk, in the subject box please write Winter Art Project; or you can return them by envelope marked Winter Art Project, either through the letter box or via your child - this way we will be COVID safe.

The works of art will be displayed in this online art gallery.

We look forward to seeing your masterpieces.

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